Communications & Media Strategy
Taking a measured approach to what you say and where you need to be heard.
It’s all in the planning
Setting out a clear and well-considered comms and media strategy is crucial keeping in mind who you’re talking to, what you need to say and where it needs to be said. This plan will be reviewed and will change over time, but it gives purpose to your communications, keeps everyone on board and crucially on message. Media strategy drills into where your messaging should go, whether that’s websites, social media, print, spoken, broadcast or out of home. It’s a detailed plan of when it needs to be said for the desired outcome, and how frequently.
It’s so tempting just to launch into a comms or media campaign without putting in the groundwork. But by giving messaging the consideration before you engage the audience, not only will the message work harder and reach further, but it has a stronger, more measurable chance to resonate with those people your brand needs to have onboard.
Where do we start?
First, we do some audience research to gauge the current visibility and audience of your brand. This gives us a benchmark to assess the impact and success of our strategic comms and media activity. Then we work with you to plan out who you need to talk to, the messaging content and tone of voice and where, in what way and how often your target audience needs to experience your message. The types of communications and target media can differ according to the type of message - is it an announcement, business news, product launch, B2B, B2C or both? So having an overview of the shape of your current and future communications brings consistency from message to message, builds impact and takes the right audience on the journey with you.
Why communications and media strategy?
We know that few campaigns pan out exactly how they’re first envisaged. From competitor curveballs to customer crises, there are times when your communications and media strategy may need to divert to a contingency plan before either picking back up or being revised to accommodate new priorities, budgets or timescales. But the very fact there’s a contingency plan to fall back on is one of the many reasons a communications and media strategy is essential. You’ve already considered your audience, your voice and your goal, with clear steps to keep the messaging on track. Consistency is key when it comes to building a strong, authoritative and recognisable voice for your business and appearing where your customers would expect you to be part of the conversation.
What are the results?
Your business has a consistent, confident and authoritative voice. You’re equipped to stay calm in a crisis and your messaging builds a picture of your brand that inspires and engages your audience. You’re established and influential across the media, your present and future consumers, a thought leader, a respected presence and an authority in your sector.
Some of our recent communications and media strategy work.
Do you need help with communications & media strategy?
Please provide the key information for your project, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively email us.