Eleven Miles of Social… Issue 3

The latest features, updates, insights and more from all social media platforms.

Instagram launches initial testing for algorithm-free, reverse chronological feed options in-stream

So… with a bit of toggling between feeds required, it’s not exactly a return to the Instagram of old, and a means to eliminate the algorithm altogether. However, it is certainly a step towards giving users more choice on the platform. With the new ‘favourites’ tab coming into play, brands will certainly need to be competing to gain that top spot.

Read more here.


TikTok adds new editing tools

TikTok has added new editing tools enabling users to create eye-catching content easier. Partnering with GIPHY, users can now use a GIF as their background when using the Green Screen creative effect. The new Visual Enhancement button improves exposure, low- light and colour correction. While new musical and animal voice effects means users can make any sound or voice from their content sound like a musical instrument or an animal. In certain countries, users will also have the option to upload their video content in Full HD.

Read more here.


Pinterest predicts 2022

Pinterest has released a trend predictions report for 2022. It covers a range of categories including fashion, travel, pets, finance. Each trend in the categories features an overview, trending search terms and creator spotlights. Plus tips on how different brands can bring the trend to life.

Read more here.


TikTok shares tips on how to drive ad conversions

TikTok has shared some best practices on how to maximise ad conversion on the platform. This includes shooting in 720p or higher, using full screen, including a clear call to action as well as suggesting video ads be between 21 and 34 seconds long. TikTok has also provided some industry specific tips for driving conversion for e-commerce and gaming.

Read more here.


Instagram adds reels replies

Users can now reply to comments on posts with Reels. This means that when a user replies to a comment on a post in a Reel, they can also tap on the blue Reels button to create a video reply. The video replies are marked as stickers that can be sent to the commenter.

Read more here.


Pinterest acquires video editing app Vochi

Pinterest has announced the acquisition of the video editing app, Vochi, as part of Pinterest’s commitment to helping creators bring more quality video content to the platform. Vochi enables users to remove items from clips, add 3D effects and other visual features to their clips. For now, Vochi will continue to be available as a standalone app.

Read more here.


Twitter Planner 2022

Twitter has released a Twitter Planner tool to help businesses plan their marketing campaigns for 2022. It includes a number of resources including sections for monthly planning, hashtag and poll ideas, creative best practices, and more.

Read more here.

Neil Dennis

We're Eleven Miles.

An evidence-driven creative company.

Steered by hard evidence and driven by a love of good work. We help brands big and small make confident creative choices. Ones that get results.

Our teams deliver strategy, brand, content, technology, social media and influencer campaigns day in, day out.

With a focus on being our clients' most valued partner we've been ranked in the UK's Top 10 Independent Agencies, named 'Integrated Agency' and 'Advertising Agency' of the year and awarded the UK's 'Best in Creativity', 'Best in Strategy' and 'Best in Effectiveness'.


Eleven Miles of Social… Issue 4


Ethical Commerce - The Rise of the Activist Brand